Experimental Foods

Are you as adventurous as we are? Throw an idea our way, we'll see what we can do for you.

Here are some examples of food wishes we made come true.

 One Pound Stuffed Burgers - We jammed these puppies full of everything under the sun. Jalapeno Havarti, Bleu Cheese and Bacon, Feta and Spinach in a Turkey Burger. You name it, we'll stuff it.

 These monstrosities can feed even the most ravenous of diners. They take a while to prepare, need to be babied on the grill, but man is it ever worth it. Just don't plan on doing much of anything after ingesting one of these beasts.

Speaking of stuffed, we decided to stuff our favourite meat, pork, with our second favourite meat, more pork. The result has yet to be officially named, although once our taste tester is out of the hospital we're gonna get him to vote on "Frankenbacon." What you see before you is bacon stuff with sausage and then smoked. We peeled off slice after slice from this loaf of meat and then grilled it in a skillet.

In fact, it's probably not a great idea to serve these at a party, seeing as how anyone who actually gets to the end will want to curl up and take a nap shortly after. It'll put you into a food coma.

We also toyed with Asian Fusion, making an Asian Pulled Pork topped with our Asian Coleslaw.

Tacos with Marinated Pork fried up Carnitas style with more of the Asian Coleslaw. Don't forget the Rooster sauce!

They say Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we even attempted to barbecue Breakast. It's a BLT waiting to be assembled, with home fries on the side. We even toasted the bread right on the grill.

The point of this whole exercise is to show you two things: one, our passion for food. If you can look at these experiments and not see how much we love what we do then you're probably not going to find us worth your while. Two, we'll try just about anything if it results in a good meal.

We hope you'll see that no matter what you have in mind when you contract us we'll make your dreams come true too!